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The Case for a Small Community

The Case for a Small Community

What’s become of the smaller community?  Building fewer than several hundred homes just doesn’t seem financially viable anymore.  Young, growing families want homes with open floor plans and kitchen-den combinations in a community that offers bike trails, play lots and swimming pools.  We certainly can’t argue with that logic, but what is gained in community amenities seems often to be lost in community spirit and friendliness. “I don’t know my neighbors,” seems to be all too true these days.


Our 47 unit, all brick town home community was built in the in the early 1980s, and so by some standards we’re considered older.  But we sure don’t feel that old or look that old, for that matter. Nestled in the heart of McLean , we’re within easy walking distance of shops, restaurants, and other wonderful amenities in downtown.


Our homeowners live here an average of 18 years. But the best part about The Mews is that we’re a community of people who care about one another.  We’ve always been willing to contribute collectively to the quality of life in McLean and we share our knowledge, time, and talents to strengthen this sense of neighborliness.  We each work hard to maintain the appearance and the property values of The Mews for the long term.  We’re somewhat unique in that so many of our homeowners are retired and are here at all hours of the day, making for lively social interactions and a more secure community.


We operate like other homeowner’s associations in that we have a Board that provides municipal-like services like trash collection and landscaping. But unlike many larger communities, we also have a Hospitality Committee that welcomes each new arriving family with a warm hello and basket of flowers or delectable goodies from nearby businesses.  We’re a caring community.


Another thing that people like about this small community is that we socialize together.  We hold our Annual Meeting in conjunction with a dinner at a local restaurant. This affords residents an opportunity to meet new neighbors.  The HOA also sponsors additional social events, which have included an old fashioned ice cream social, a Holiday Happy Hour, outdoor movie nights and a wine tasting. When it snows, after the plows come through, you'll often see neighbors out helping other neighbors shovel whatever snow remains.


Smaller communities may not be for everyone, but for the 100 people who call McLean Mews home, we’re not just homeowners, we’re friends who feel like family.

(Adapted from Quorum, August 2007)

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